Template Quiz

Thoracic Wall, Pleura & Lungs

Your friend tells you that they are worried because their physician diagnosed them with a supernumerary rib located at L1. They ask you what symptoms they should be expecting from this condition. What do you tell them?

Which of the following correctly describes the flow of blood from the aorta to the right anterior intercostal arteries?

Your friend from class seems to be experiencing some medical school syndrome and tells you that they have diagnosed themself with pleural mesothelioma. In order to put their mind at ease, you remind them that mesothelioma is a fairly rare cancer and that they would probably had to have been exposed to which of the following carcinogens?


Tube thoracostomy is the insertion of a tube (chest tube) into the pleural cavity to drain air, blood, bile, pus, or other fluids. The tube is usually inserted in the fourth or fifth intercostal space in the mid-to-anterior axillary line. Which of the following layers of pleura must the chest tube penetrate in order to perform this procedure?

A patient comes into your clinic complaining of dyspnea (difficulty breathing). You want to do some medical imaging to help your diagnosis so you decide to take an x-ray. You ask the patient to take a deep breath and then acquire the following image. What is the diagnosis?

Your friend tells you that they are worried because their physician diagnosed them with a supernumerary rib located at L1. They ask you what symptoms they should be expecting from this condition. What do you tell them?

Thoracentesis is a procedure in which a needle is inserted into the pleural space between the lungs and the chest wall. This procedure is done to remove excess fluid from the pleural space to help you breathe easier. Which of the following describes the most appropriate location of needle insertion when performing this procedure at the midclavicular line?

Which of the following correctly describes the flow of blood from the aorta to the right anterior intercostal arteries?

Which of the following nodes would have to be present for a patient to be diagnosed with hilar lymphadenopathy?

Which of the following could have caused the abnormality in the image below?

Which of the following is an example of a parasympathetic function of the pulmonary plexus?

Which of the following rib abnormalities would be the most problematic?

When attempting to do a thoracentesis in the 8th intercostal space, where will you anesthetize?

The first rib is atypical in that it can be described as the broad and sharpest of the 12 ribs. It also is noted to have grooves for both which of the following?

Donald has bacterial bronchitis. This has caused an excess of non-serous fluid to build up in his lungs causing him tightness in his chest and a persistent productive cough. Which of the following categories can bronchitis be classified as?

After running a marathon, Mary was in tripod position heavily breathing. Which of the following is ensuring that she is not rupturing a lung by overfilling it?

Which of the following would cause hilar lymphadenopathy?

Which of the following is a cause of clubbed nails?

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